
The Music content area of the Colorado Academic Standards contains four standards: Expression of Music, Creation of Music, Theory of Music, and Aesthetic Valuation of Music. This section provides a broad overview of the requirements of each standard for children in kindergarten through third grade and explains how the content in these Guidelines at earlier ages prepare children for meeting these standards in their formal schooling.

Expression of Music

The first standard in the Music content area addresses human thought and emotion during performance. The Guidelines for children ages 3–5 years provide a foundation for musical expression within the domain of Visual and Performing Arts: Music, which includes content such as expressing feelings in response to music. In grades K–3 this content is extended as children demonstrate skills such as singing songs (kindergarten) and performing extended rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic patterns (third grade).

Creation of Music

The second standard focuses on the demonstration of human thought and emotion through skills in the composition, improvisation, and arrangement of music. Creating music involves writing music, fashioning new music from an existing piece of music, or forming an entirely new piece of music. The Guidelines for children ages 3–5 years provide a foundation for musical creation within the domain of Visual and Performing Arts: Music, which includes content such as experimenting with instruments. In grades K–3, children demonstrate skills such as creating music through a variety of experiences (kindergarten) and producing short musical phrases and patterns (third grade).

Theory of Music

The third standard is about the understanding of the distinctive language, conventions, mechanics, and structure of organized sound. The Guidelines for children ages 3–5 years provide a foundation for music theory within the domain of Visual and Performing Arts: Music, which includes content such as describing musical elements. In grades K–3, children demonstrate skills such as identifying simple rhythmic patterns, musical opposites, and basic elements of musical forms (kindergarten) and aurally recognizing patterns, analyzing simple notational elements, and using simple visual notations (third grade).

Aesthetic Valuation of Music

The fourth standard focuses on the knowledge needed to evaluate and critique a musical piece, including its aesthetics. The Guidelines for children ages 3–5 years provide a foundation for music aesthetics within the domain of Visual and Performing Arts: Music, which includes content such as responding to musical elements and recognizing music in daily life. Content in the preschool domain Logic and Reasoning: Reasoning and Problem-Solving also relates to this standard because it requires critical thinking skills. In grades K–3, children learn skills such as discussing music and celebrations in daily life (kindergarten) and making informed judgments about music (third grade).