The Guidelines for children 3-5 years old reflect expectations for young children’s knowledge and behavior when they enter kindergarten. The Guidelines also incorporate and align to the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) for preschool and the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework.

The Guidelines are designed to provide assistance to a wide variety of adults who care for children in unlicensed care in family, friend and neighbor settings, as well as in licensed child care, Head Start, special education, public pre-kindergarten, or private preschools. The Guidelines serve to inform early learning professionals and teachers in these settings about child development and learning.

This is more of a philosophical question, but do we want to exclude/include caregivers who are providing unlicensed care in family, friend and neighbor settings?  They can still help us reach out goal of every child ready for Kindergarten.

For some specific examples of these indicators within each domain and what you can do to support children, visit the Parents & Caregivers section for 3-5 years.

Download the Guidelines for children 3-5 years for complete descriptions of specific behaviors and suggested supports.

* Aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards