Visual Arts

The Visual Arts content area of the Colorado Academic Standards contains four standards: Observe and Learn to Comprehend, Envision and Critique to Reflect, Invent and Discover to Create, and Relate and Connect to Transfer. This section provides a broad overview of the requirements of each standard for children in kindergarten through third grade and explains how the content in these Guidelines at earlier ages prepare children for meeting these standards in their formal schooling.

Observe and Learn to Comprehend

The first standard in the Visual Arts content area provides children with understanding that visual arts are a means for expression, communication, and meaning making. The Guidelines for children ages 3–5 years provide a foundation for visual expression and meaning within the domain of Visual and Performing Arts: Visual Arts, which includes content such as knowing that works of art can represent people, places, and things. In grades K–3, children demonstrate knowledge such as understanding that personal feelings are described in and through works of art (kindergarten) and understanding intent and purpose in works of art (third grade).

Envision and Critique to Reflect

The second standard focuses on critical thinking through the synthesis, evaluation, and analysis of visual information. The Guidelines for children ages 3–5 years provide a foundation for art criticism within the domain of Visual and Performing Arts: Visual Arts, which includes content such as discussing one’s own artistic creations and those of others. Content in the preschool domain Logic and Reasoning: Reasoning and Problem-Solving also relates to this standard because it requires critical thinking skills. In grades K–3, children demonstrate knowledge such as understanding that artists connect to stories told in and by works of art (kindergarten) and that artists, viewers, and patrons use the language of art to respond to art (third grade).

Invent and Discover to Create

The third standard focuses on generating works of art that employ unique ideas, feelings, and values using different media and technologies. The Guidelines for children ages 3–5 years provide a foundation for creating art within the domain of Visual and Performing Arts: Visual Arts, which includes content such as using different materials and techniques to make art creations. In grades K–3, children demonstrate skills such as creating two- and three-dimensional works of art (kindergarten) and demonstrating basic studio skills (third grade).

Relate and Connect to Transfer

The fourth standard focuses on the value of visual arts to lifelong learning and the human experience. The Guidelines for children ages 3–5 years provide a foundation for understanding the impact of art within the domain of Visual and Performing Arts: Visual Arts, which identifies art in daily life. In grades K–3, children demonstrate knowledge such as understanding that artists and viewers contribute and connect to their communities (kindergarten) and understanding that historical and cultural ideas are evident in works of art (third grade).